Friday, April 17, 2009

Sisterhood Of Tomorrow

I wonder what would it be like to have the women closest to you understand that you too are just a mere human and are incapable of perfection? How you really do have the best of intentions but sometimes that hand basket from hell comes to take it all away. What if they understood that those things that appear to be bad parenting have a broken heart behind them that may just need a friend? Maybe there is an interesting story there of why things went the way they did.

A world where these sisters did not have one arm wrapped around you in a friendly hug with a knife in the other. A smile and friendly word to you, then biting, angry words at your back.
A place where life was so simple that the person you saw in front of you, was the person you saw in front of you.

I long for the sisterhood of the days of old, i wonder how it used to be?
I think often of what that would be like. To have the women in your life around you supporting you and befriending you. And how you would do the same for them, there would be love and beauty, encouragement and extravagance, love demonstrated to the max (the sisterhood way) there would be a reflection of his glory, I bet there would be instances of 'God reflections' where people would just go like "WOW"

That's the sisterhood i am talking about, lets make an effort and support, love, care, empower, encourage, strengthen the women in our lives. Lets be there for them to love them, to be with them through brokenness, lets love like how God called us to. Lets be examples to other women, in faith and in love, not a friendly smile and a sweet word, then angry words at their backs, but being the women of God. I believe there is a huge difference in saying it and doing it, It all starts with a little something and prayer to perfection. Lets be the women of tomorrow, the chosen ones!

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