Friday, April 17, 2009

The Master Decorator

How I wish I could create an environment that invited people to enter, relax, visit and unwind, but I struggle with keeping the living room presentable enough.

But just because I don't have a decorator's touch in my home doesn't mean I'm not touched by the Master Decorator. He's willing to decorate my soul if I just give Him access to it. Am I willing for Him to dig through the attic of my life, looking for antique treasures I had tucked away and buried? What about those basement corners in my life? Just because I think something is junk and have it hidden in my basement, doesn't mean He doesn't want to pull it out, touch it up, and add it to my living room, that 'public' part of my life.

God, the Master Decorator, is able to pull all the parts and pieces of my life together, even the seemingly ugly parts, and create a place of comfort, a haven from life's storms. But I need to give Him access to my hiding places. Am I willing to have Him pull out the 'uglies' hidden in my life and create beauty from those? Am I willing to invite people in to see how He has decorated my soul? It means exposure. It means allowing them to see the uglies. But those uglies, once touched by the Master's hand, are not ugly any more, they're worked into the whole and they create a picture and a place of His beauty. If I allow Him access and invite Him to decorate my soul.

Please, Lord, be the Master Decorator in my life and soul. I give You the keys to my attic, basement, closets, shed, and garage--every hiding place in my life. Take these parts, even the ugly ones, and touch them and arrange them to create a place of beauty in me--a place of refreshment and peace. Be the Master Decorator in me.
-Patty Wysong
(Patty Wysong is a Christian wife and homeschool mom of 5 who is passionate about wrapping lessons in pretty packages that will point others to God.)

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