Lust is an enemy running rampant in the land.
It is secretly killing millions-it's getting out of hand.
The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes are the twin sisters of evil.
Laying eggs-destroying souls like cotton is done by boll weevils.
Dirty magazines, Cable TV and the Internet are their major tools.
Leading men and women to destruction like a carrot leads a mule.
These lusts sins are done in secret so most go undetected.
Demons feeding on men souls because their salvation is being neglected.
"Come out from among them" is what God's Word says to do.
Ignorance of God's Word destroys souls- people don't have a clue.
Many Christians are deceived to think that they will receive a Heavenly Crown.
When Holiness, Godliness and Righteousness are nowhere to be found.
God is saying to you "I have eyes- I can see"
You choosing to love this evil world instead of me.
God's servants are saying, Repent Now! Before it's too late.
Pick-up your cross and follow Jesus for your soul's sake.
Just like Noah's time, God's warnings are seldom heard.
People instead are listening to Satan being trapped and devoured like a bird.
Preachers! Preachers! You need to Preach!
There is no time for a prosperity speech.
Christians keep your affections on things above.
This world will pass away and the Lust thereof.
It is secretly killing millions-it's getting out of hand.
The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes are the twin sisters of evil.
Laying eggs-destroying souls like cotton is done by boll weevils.
Dirty magazines, Cable TV and the Internet are their major tools.
Leading men and women to destruction like a carrot leads a mule.
These lusts sins are done in secret so most go undetected.
Demons feeding on men souls because their salvation is being neglected.
"Come out from among them" is what God's Word says to do.
Ignorance of God's Word destroys souls- people don't have a clue.
Many Christians are deceived to think that they will receive a Heavenly Crown.
When Holiness, Godliness and Righteousness are nowhere to be found.
God is saying to you "I have eyes- I can see"
You choosing to love this evil world instead of me.
God's servants are saying, Repent Now! Before it's too late.
Pick-up your cross and follow Jesus for your soul's sake.
Just like Noah's time, God's warnings are seldom heard.
People instead are listening to Satan being trapped and devoured like a bird.
Preachers! Preachers! You need to Preach!
There is no time for a prosperity speech.
Christians keep your affections on things above.
This world will pass away and the Lust thereof.
-inspired by:poetic persuasion
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