Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tape Safe

Our past pushes us down and situations seem overwhelming, sometimes the power of God seems unpredictable and weakness brings us in our little shell. Joy seems lost somewhere far away fading. The power of God so vivid at the same time inside of us. Life seems powerless with fear thumping in our hearts and a question weather the situations convey the truth in distress. When fear and incapability rises deep within, the courage to live with ourselves fades and the truth about creation is questioned, maybe there's something pulling me down I feel, maybe there's something in me I need to change I question or maybe I'm not supposed to act this way I convince my self to believe. I believe there's a season that is on its way a season of thanksgiving and a season of pouring out, pouring out what God's invested in us.

I believe its a season of replacement, a season of substitution. This is the season of God's people strategically placed in areas of royalty in a mission of influence to the maximum. This is a season of harvest and its the time of God's voice being heard clearer than ever before, a season of overflowing Joy. And in this time it is our choice of weather we allow ourselves to let go and let God, letting go of our hurts and pull downs can be tough but God says He completely destroys the yolk if given to Him and in this situation Faith works. Our overwhelming fear of questioning our identity can cut us off from God's glorious call and plan for our lives.

Lets rise above them, I think its time to let God take over, unseen yet true, questionable yet faithful our God never fails us, just like he rose David back up when life seemed drowning in nothingness, He surely will raise you above your iniquities and depressions and will give you strength and victory in your challenges only if you have the faith and courage of going back to him, submitting, confessing....
David did the same every single time he felt distressed he went to the Lord, when he felt weak he went to the Lord in all times he seeks God and FINDS Him and God raises him to be Bold, full of Joy, Successful, Valiant and Victorious in everything he did. He was the man after God's own heart. And how much more would He love US after all that he did for us...

How many times to we run to God in depression?, heartbreaks?, failures? knowing he can heal we still run to the Seen as faith doesn't exist- not even as a mustard seed
Its time we go back to our salvation and regain what we lost, its time to go back on our knees and lay it all down, its time to regain our faith and let our hearts open to his light so darkness eliminates from our lives and that dreadful eerie vanishes to EVERLASTING JOY which replaces our boldness, trust and empowers us for all that God has in store for us Its time to Receive and Replace and jump to a whole new level of faith! Its time to rise above our storms and regain what is ours that was stolen and it all can happen if we faithfully, earnestly and deliberately seek him cuz' sleeping and slumbering isn't His piece of cake!

He turned to me and heard my cry.He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
psalm 40: 1-2

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fact to the Supernatural

An alert mind indeed observes the rejections and the misconceptions that take place and registers it to the human mind perhaps results in a slow pace of observing, reacting and causes the mind to develop a lower self esteem.

Recognition and encouragement transforms a dull introvert and makes him turn a page to extroversion & high level of alertness takes over dull and slow pace of response. But as observed, through an external supernatural power that surrounds the outer cavity of the brain enforces the mind to think faster. A higher level of encouragement and an upliftment of self esteem seems to be one of the main causes of renewal and an inexperienced and an unfounded energy taking over, giving ground to perfection and releasing the brain to a higher level of thinking, faster brainstorming and all the dull minds are renewed.

Damaged caused by the outer world happens to suspend and a raise of renewal and extra wisdom steps in creating a high level of understanding, response, knowledge & a high rise in unspeakable unfound yet proved wisdom

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Creators Touch

Never let those who prosper in their wicked ways ever be a threat to you, instead take situations as they are and learn from them. Learn how betterment and improvement can brought though by you when those situations come your way and how much of a better leader would that make you. To learn to rise above and beyond the brim, that what comes with you flows through and beyond and falls on the unreached, the ones around and under you.

God tells us not to fear the ones who are a threat to you as it only brings harm (PS 37: 8) .. more like the ones who constantly bug you, who keep accusing you of the things you haven't done, and those people who constantly keep absorbing negativity into others about you. Those people are around, believe it or not but they are and you have no choice but to deal with them! the first things on our minds is to get mad at them. But then we miss the Big Picture!

In (Pslam37), God continually asks us to be patient & righteous in our every step, he further mentions committing our ways to Him, keep doing what is good, keep walking in the footsteps of righteousness and the Bible mentions in (Deut6:25) that a man will be called righteous only if he carefully observes and keeps all the commandments of his Lord. That law is the 10 commandments so following them, living according to them will be our righteousness. He adds to continually keep his ways, wait on him and delight in him and he will grant all the desires of our
heart (Ps37:4).

He also asks us to walk in an upright conduct as he knows their days and their inheritance will be forever (V 18). He continually mentions that he watches over us and loves justice for his saints (V 28) In a matter of time it will all be cut off, the bad weeds anything and everything surrounding you to bring you down will disappear. He always has his eyes on you and considers you for who you are, He watches your every step and watches over you, those little things that no one sees- He does and knows your heart and mind intimately.

There is always someone there to justify you. That's when He tells us to do what we can and the rest He does. That's the beauty of our LORD, He loves His people, His saints, His righteous, His upright and His long suffering.


Monday, July 27, 2009


I remember the first Glance, I remember the first Romance
I remember the first dance, When i fell in Love with You
I thought that I would never know Love
I thought that I would never know Touch
Then you came and Awakened me, Then you came Unlocking me
I've never known a Love like this,
You've shown the truth behind the Myth
The Mystery.
When it's all be said,When it's all be done,
When the race is run, And this life overcome
I will remember your love,
I will remember your love
, I will remember your love,
-Misty Edwards

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Glimpse Of Grace

Sometimes joy's river ceases to flow.
Sometimes dark clouds, loom down long and low.
Sometimes great storms, hold back the sun.
Sometimes you just want to hide or run.

Look onward to our heavenly home.
Remember His promise, you're not alone.
Fly like a bird, on the winds of His grace.
Find sweet assurance in His embrace.

Sometimes life's pains are hard to bare.
Sometimes our heart, groans deep in despair.
Sometimes shadows of death pass by.
Sometimes alone, we cry out, Why?

Take the hand of God's merciful love;
Who calms the sea and sent His Dove.
The God of all that lives and breathes;
Who made the rocks, the winds, the seas,

Will lead you through your darkest night,
Will help you through the terrible fight.
He'll hold you up and you will stand.
He'll lead you through, hold tight His hand.

And as the rains and storm winds blow;
The peace of God will ease pains flow.
Hold fast to faith, the shield of power;
And know your God wants you to flower.

Sometimes, the greatest fruitful child;
Has suffered through the greatest test.
Sometimes, it takes much pain and loss;
To win the lost to Cavalries cross.
inspired by: susan Y

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My True Love - My hero

I always desired for love to come by, Craved for romance, A love so strong that would sweep me off my feet, Every word uttered would drown me in admiration, Would lift me out of my brokenness

A love so beautiful that sees through my flaws, Flaunts every weakness and turns it into a blessing, Someone who loved regardless of who i was and where i came from...
I tried to find it in a hundred but never came across it. I knew of this one person at whom once perfection marveled at.

I looked for years together but found nothing but reflections of my heartbreaking past that choked me as a voice unwilling to accept my love still exist.

Many years and loves later I met the real Prince Charming. I do not know exactly what he looks like, but he was willing to work, live, wait and die for me.

My hero knows me, from the number of hair I have on my head to every thought I have ever had and ever will. He knows every ugly and beautiful thing about me intimately. He bore the pain of my evil thoughts and deeds in His own body and still He loves and desires me.

He is powerful, wise and good. His love tames me; I am captive to His charms. His every word captivates me, His voice strengthens me, His love encourages me, I yield to His will, and as I do, I become a beautiful, unique reflection of Him. I have all the romance, admiration and passion I need. He has eclipsed my dream entirely. He opens his arms to me and i feel renewed, My love changes me and has died for me, He still lives inside of me always to love me and renew me.

He heals my scars and comes close enough to touch me, He reminds me of how much he loves me and treasures me each day. He teaches me through my flaws and flaunts them. He knows every detail in me and still chooses to love me.

His love is all I need. He fills me on his love. His love intoxicates me and influences me to do the very will of God. Whenever i seek his love i find it.

He stands by me to support me and hold me, when people throw things at me!.
He is always there to restore me when situations rip my heart out of me, And there to kiss me when I drown into nothingness. He makes me strong when he holds me with his strong hands. He gives me a reason to live when life seems to draw back

My hero is Love—and every day I know Him more.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Pricy Bite To Eat

Eve was in the mood to prepare something special for Adam’s evening meal. She had searched high and low, but nothing she’d found so far seemed quite right. Eve leaned against a tree, resting in the shade of its wide branches, ready to give up.

“What’s the matter sweet cheeks?”

The voice startled Eve and she spun around to find a serpent lounging, hidden amongst the tree’s leaves.

“Oh, hello. I-I wanted to make a wonderful meal for my new husband, Adam, but nothing seems good enough. To be honest, the sun is high in the sky and I’m starting to get a little tired of looking.” Eve hung her head, her brown eyes filling with tears of disappointment.

“What are you crying about? There’s plenty of delicious fruit right here beside me.” The serpent slithered to a comfortable looking fork in a large limb.

“Oh I can’t take any of that fruit. God told us not to, though it is the best looking fruit in the garden …” Eve looked up at the plump fruit longingly. The serpent sat poised, ready to move in for the kill.

“God-shmod. What does he know anyway? Look babe. You wanna please your man, right? I mean, ya gotta keep the guy happy don’t cha?”

“Of course, but God said--”

“Listen up girly. I just saw God put that guy Adam to sleep, pull out one of his ribs and then you showed up. I seem to recall quite a few more ribs where that one came from…so if you don’t wanna bend a few rules to please Adam, I’m sure God…”

“Wait! I guess I could…” Eve reached towards the tree, and then hesitated.

“Oh come on already! Just take some. Do you really wanna run around the whole garden in this heat, when what your man wants is right here? Why waste your time? Who needs all that hard work anyway?” The serpent plunged his verbal fangs into Eve’s soft flesh.

“Well, it would be a lot easier to just take some from here. Then I could start cooking sooner and have more time to rest before he comes home…Ok. I’ll do it.” Eve plucked some choice fruit off the tree while the serpent gleefully pointed out the juiciest ones.

“You just had to have that fruit, didn’t you Eve?” Adam scowled at his wife in disgust.

“But honey! It’s like I told you. It was getting late and I wanted to make a good meal for you after you’d worked so hard naming all those animals. The tree was right there in front of me. It was easier to just…” Eve pleaded with Adam who barely looked up at her.

“Worked so hard? You think it was hard work sitting in the shade, having God’s nature parade past me while I rambled off any odd syllables that came out of my mouth, like aardvark or platypus? You call that hard work? What do you call this?” He continued digging away at the parched soil, grumbling when his stick hit a rather large rock.

“Well how was I supposed to know it would all turn out like this? I just wanted something for dinner…” Eve began to sniffle again as she yanked on a rather stubborn weed, nearly toppling over when it finally came free. Adam tugged at the scratchy fig leaf that was riding up his backside, creating the world’s first wedgy.

“You missed one.” Adam quipped over his shoulder as he and his wife toiled away into the night.

-Debby Sickler

Monday, May 11, 2009

Walking with a limp

Heard of scars leaving marks on us? well i have some petty cool ones which have their own stories. The horizontal scar right below my chin reminds mi of when i tried to swing as high as possible, and at the highest point jump into the trampoline which was not so close..well my visions of landing safely on the trampoline ended abruptly,I straight smacked mi chin on the rod which ended up being slashed, The weird shaped scar on my left knee came from mishandling the iron when i was 9 years old,The scar on the back of my head reminds me of the time when i tried to sit on the brim of a really thin pipe facing towards the beautiful fountain stacked up with rocks behind it and i lost my balance and there you go!
No wonder i don't panic when i see my sister flying in the air pulling off her own stunts,she's accumulating her own collection of scars, and each one of them will make her journey through life unique and memorable.(and drain my father's money on her medical bills) loll.
And then there are the scars no one can see. The scars on my bones fom having a twisted ankle in an accident when the car flipped over while coming from school. And when the weather gets cold i'm generalli reminded of those scars because those spots ache and throb as if to say, "Do you remember?"
There's something strangely beautiful and wonderful about these scars, specially the healing process that follows, you can help but marvel at the mystery of all. Scars remind us of the hurt that took place but especially of the healing that followed,God could have easily designed it so that wounds would heal leaving absolutely no trace of the pain, but the more you read the Bible, the more you realize that God doesn't work that way. God is pretty big on creating "mile markers" along the pathways of life.
In the Old Testament, people who had encountered God in a significant way stopped wherever they were and built an altar. That sounds pretty odd to us, but basically they would stack a bunch of rocks up into a pile to serve as a reminder to everyone who passed by that God had met with them there.
It's a shame, really, that our modern society doesn't have any similar practice of leaving visible markers along our paths to serve as reminders of an encounter with God. But we do have scars -- spiritual scars that each has a story to tell of a time when God touched us and left His mark on us. And the truth is, no one in history has ever had a genuine encounter with the God of heaven and walked away unchanged... unmarked... un-scarred.
Sometimes the scars God left on us come from a wound in our hearts healed by his gentle touch, and some are severe that leave us walking with a limp for the rest of our lives, because God -- as our loving Shepherd -- had to break our leg in order to keep us from wandering away from the flock
You remember Jacob, right? He was a bad dude, a crafty guy, a deceiver. He conned his own brother out of his birthright, for crying out loud. He was cold
That's cold. His brother, Esau, was ticked off, to say the least, and Jacob hightailed it out of town before his brother beat the tar out of him. But one night God intersected Jacob's path in what can only be described as a bizarre encounter which I can't even begin to fully explain. God, in some form that we don't really understand, actually wrestled with Jacob. And it was clear at this stage of Jacob's life of scheming and running, that he was finally ready to do business with God, because during this wrestling match, Jacob refused to let go until God "blessed" him. (A pretty gutsy request, I'd say, considering the life he'd led up to that point!) And in God's amazing love and grace, He did give Jacob a new start... in fact, He gave Jacob a new name -- Israel. How crazy is that?! God took this deceiver, met him at his point of desperation, turned his life around, and then made him the father of a great nation!
Exactly that way whoever encounters with god never gets scooped out unchanged,During that strange wrestling match, God put His mark on Jacob scarred him, if you will. God touched Jacob's hip and caused him to walk with a limp. At the conclusion of that story, the Bible says that Jacob had seen God face to face and lived, and then it says, "The sun rose above Jacob, and he was limping because of his hip."
Wow, what an amazing scene! Jacob, the deceiver, goes into an encounter with God -- arrogant, cocky, walking just fine on his own two feet... and he comes out with a new name, a new purpose, and a limp that will serve as a reminder to him every day for the rest of his life. I imagine there were not too many mornings from then on that Jacob got out of bed and started to walk across the room, and when he took that first step and felt his hip give way... his mind went back to that life-changing meeting with God... and he remembered!
Im sure it was incredibly frustrating for Jacob to walk with a broken hip.. every step he took reminded him of his encounter with God, especially for a man who was always on the run! I bet he did asked God to fix it.I must be honest with you and tell you that I have some "scars" that I sometimes wish would go away. And yet, despite the fact that I've asked God to remove them, He sees a greater purpose in letting me keep them. It seems that God delights in using broken things... He uses broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to produce rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength, and broken lives to show forth His greatness.
We see Peter weeping bitterly in his brokenness and then rising in greater power than ever before to lead the fledgling church into its greatest days. I guarantee you that Peter carried the scars of denying Jesus for the rest of his life, and bet every night he ran his fingers through the scars remembering with painfulness that moment. But God gently touched those scars and healed them bringing peter to usefulness once again
What "scars" do you have in your life? What "limps" seem to be slowing you down and causing you frustration? perhaps you need to stop fixing them and making them try to go away instead ask god to use them, those very things-- to show his strengths through you, there's a good chance God will use those things as "altars" along the pathway of your journey, and not only remindin you of the good work God has done but also as a testimony to the people passing by.
Don't underestimate the power of scars. Don't underestimate the importance of learning to walk with a limp.They are blessings in disguise. It gives us PROOF. Proof that we've wrestled with God and not walked away unchanged.
Everytime you're reminded of your limp, remember and rejoice in knowing that those scars are proof that he knows you by name and came close enough to touch you!

2 Corinthians 12:9, 10 -- But he (Jesus) said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Lust is an enemy running rampant in the land.
It is secretly killing millions-it's getting out of hand.

The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes are the twin sisters of evil.
Laying eggs-destroying souls like cotton is done by boll weevils.

Dirty magazines, Cable TV and the Internet are their major tools.
Leading men and women to destruction like a carrot leads a mule.

These lusts sins are done in secret so most go undetected.
Demons feeding on men souls because their salvation is being neglected.

"Come out from among them" is what God's Word says to do.
Ignorance of God's Word destroys souls- people don't have a clue.

Many Christians are deceived to think that they will receive a Heavenly Crown.
When Holiness, Godliness and Righteousness are nowhere to be found.

God is saying to you "I have eyes- I can see"
You choosing to love this evil world instead of me.

God's servants are saying, Repent Now! Before it's too late.
Pick-up your cross and follow Jesus for your soul's sake.

Just like Noah's time, God's warnings are seldom heard.
People instead are listening to Satan being trapped and devoured like a bird.

Preachers! Preachers! You need to Preach!
There is no time for a prosperity speech.

Christians keep your affections on things above.
This world will pass away and the Lust thereof.

-inspired by:poetic persuasion

Friday, April 17, 2009

Unveiling Beauty

You make all things beautiful- just in time

He who has started a good work in you, will bring it to completion till the day of Jesus Christ


The Master Decorator

How I wish I could create an environment that invited people to enter, relax, visit and unwind, but I struggle with keeping the living room presentable enough.

But just because I don't have a decorator's touch in my home doesn't mean I'm not touched by the Master Decorator. He's willing to decorate my soul if I just give Him access to it. Am I willing for Him to dig through the attic of my life, looking for antique treasures I had tucked away and buried? What about those basement corners in my life? Just because I think something is junk and have it hidden in my basement, doesn't mean He doesn't want to pull it out, touch it up, and add it to my living room, that 'public' part of my life.

God, the Master Decorator, is able to pull all the parts and pieces of my life together, even the seemingly ugly parts, and create a place of comfort, a haven from life's storms. But I need to give Him access to my hiding places. Am I willing to have Him pull out the 'uglies' hidden in my life and create beauty from those? Am I willing to invite people in to see how He has decorated my soul? It means exposure. It means allowing them to see the uglies. But those uglies, once touched by the Master's hand, are not ugly any more, they're worked into the whole and they create a picture and a place of His beauty. If I allow Him access and invite Him to decorate my soul.

Please, Lord, be the Master Decorator in my life and soul. I give You the keys to my attic, basement, closets, shed, and garage--every hiding place in my life. Take these parts, even the ugly ones, and touch them and arrange them to create a place of beauty in me--a place of refreshment and peace. Be the Master Decorator in me.
-Patty Wysong
(Patty Wysong is a Christian wife and homeschool mom of 5 who is passionate about wrapping lessons in pretty packages that will point others to God.)

Sisterhood Of Tomorrow

I wonder what would it be like to have the women closest to you understand that you too are just a mere human and are incapable of perfection? How you really do have the best of intentions but sometimes that hand basket from hell comes to take it all away. What if they understood that those things that appear to be bad parenting have a broken heart behind them that may just need a friend? Maybe there is an interesting story there of why things went the way they did.

A world where these sisters did not have one arm wrapped around you in a friendly hug with a knife in the other. A smile and friendly word to you, then biting, angry words at your back.
A place where life was so simple that the person you saw in front of you, was the person you saw in front of you.

I long for the sisterhood of the days of old, i wonder how it used to be?
I think often of what that would be like. To have the women in your life around you supporting you and befriending you. And how you would do the same for them, there would be love and beauty, encouragement and extravagance, love demonstrated to the max (the sisterhood way) there would be a reflection of his glory, I bet there would be instances of 'God reflections' where people would just go like "WOW"

That's the sisterhood i am talking about, lets make an effort and support, love, care, empower, encourage, strengthen the women in our lives. Lets be there for them to love them, to be with them through brokenness, lets love like how God called us to. Lets be examples to other women, in faith and in love, not a friendly smile and a sweet word, then angry words at their backs, but being the women of God. I believe there is a huge difference in saying it and doing it, It all starts with a little something and prayer to perfection. Lets be the women of tomorrow, the chosen ones!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Role Models

There are instances in our life when god places us in certain situations to learn from them.
May it be the hard times, our screw ups -most of the time, but most importantly from people.
The Bible states that a smart person learns from his mistakes but a wise person learns from others mistakes.
God has place people in our lives whom we can learn from, his people who have fought through and lived life God's way. Have we ever questioned ourselves why do we run into stations where everything just goes berserk?..(learning time)
When we meet with people who have gone through life like living testimonies, they inspire us, help us look through our incapabilities and work to perfection.

Those are the times that god uses to mold us, teach us and build us up.
He brings people in our lives from whose mistakes we can learn, may it be the tiniest one or the humongous ones, weather it be in cases like lying, infidelity, irrespective nature and it goes on,
its more like god brings peoples screw ups in front of us to teach us from them.

Not do what they have done, but to be wise and not repeat them, instead learn from them.
he wants us to clarify our vivid futures and place them into his tender hands
He wants us to live like testimonies, like examples, like history makers, like people whose behavior is emulated by others.
He calls us to be his Role Models

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Don't ask, "Who am I to be great?". . . Ask, "Who am I not to be?" You are important, you can make a difference, when your time comes, act!.

Big changes come from small steps. Mother Teressa was asked, "How can you save a world from hunger?", she replied "One person at a time."

if you're feeling lonely, reach out and help some one . . . we are all alone, until we chose not to be. When you give, you grow. Reach out.

Block out the loud voices and listen for a whisper.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


wake up, there's something extraordinary going on!
there's a sense of freedom, a sense of something rising
something extraordinary, something born of the purest form
created out of a sinless nature, something risen to kill the toxicity if this dying world,
something that's brought back to re-establish the law of mankind
something that is so captivating that it displays perfect love, grace is all over them,
something that tears open the raw truth buried under this sinful web of darkness,
that reveals the secret past that saved.
The truth has now been spoken.
Behold! its the generation rising,
a royal priesthood
god's own army, wearing the Armour of god they march together from victory to victory,
into the depths of darkness to unveil the truth, in faith they move to take over, to take back what belongs to them, living by the word, they come to serve,
to save, empower and give hope, they come
to reveal the unspoken mysteries that's brings back to life the silent souls, the lost souls
the confused, beaten, bruised, hurt. They join together as one people to take back what was already theirs,to rule over nations, to bring to life the lifeless and to raise the dead from the power that is bestowed upon them from the one above all, they come with a mission to love, bring hope, strengthen and most importantly to reveal the truth of a savior that lives
We are the royal priesthood
Behold! WE are the generation rising

Saturday, February 7, 2009


are you tired? worn out?, burdened out with religion?, come to me, get away with me and you will recover you life. I'll show you how to rake a real rest. walk with me and work with me, watch how i do it. learn the unforced rhythms of grace. i wont lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you. keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly..i will always love you and treasure you

your friend,