Thursday, March 25, 2010

An Unconcious Sin

We've all heard especially as christians that flirting is a very nasty thing to do, It basically means to court trifingly or to act amoursly without any serious intentions, in easy words: playing with love. Now generally speaking we're always so careful of whats in our hearts that we completely and totally neglect what our actions convey. As its said that actions speak louder than words and this thought just utterly slips off our very minds. Thinking what only matters is whats in our hearts, we foolishly let go and selflessly jump into the unknown, unprecedented circumstances of our inglorious actions that would lead us no where but into conveying the wrong message. Sometimes unintentionally, yet on the same page.
Too often we settle with our emotions so much that we dont really care about our physical actions, not knowing the fact that it conveys more. It could be a little pat on a boys shoulder who you apparently consider as your brother in christ, sometimes playing with his hair, a little giggle a little shoulder hug a little rub and thats how it keeps going, now even if its done without any bad objective its still noticed by people around you, most importantly what looks to us like ' just playing and having fun' won't look the same to someone else, as a matter of fact that would'nt look appropriate to anyone especially when you're a child of God setting the standard for people around you. Sometimes we might just convey the wrong message to the other person we're fooling around with and thats completely compromising with God's word that asks us not to lead our other brothers into sin or even worse make him develop feelings for us.
Our unconcious mistakes or ignorance can create a huge impact especially effecting our relationship with God. What this is, is a sin, unconciously but yet a sin. Lets be more aware of our actions, be more wise in them because the little mistakes have a huge price tag.
Differing weights and differing measures-
the Lord detests them both
Even a child is known by his actions
By weather his conduct is pure and right
Prov 20: 10-11


Anonymous said...


karen said...

wonderful. this is a necessary read.