Wednesday, November 26, 2008

the little things

Its the little things in life that matter most.
steps in!!
thats when he says that his grace is enough,
when he gave us his joy to rejoice in and turned it into our strengths.
a smile can turn someone's day around,
a hug can make someone feel loved,
speaking the word for a minute into someone's life can gift them salvation
Ever wondered what little things in life can bring?
Ever thought of smiling at someone even though your day seems to be down the dumps?
wondered why people hurting come to you for comfort at times when you dont feel good enough?
ever wondered how you would speak into someones life, when your life seems off track?
when you feel your world is falling apart,
Thats when he says that he makes all things new,
thats when his unconditional, unfailing, complete and perfect love comforts us
no one who waits on him will ever be dissapointed. Its just a matter of time.
Hang on to him even for the little things in life, the things that we seem would never come to pass. The little things in our families in our own lives, the little confusions, the little doubts, the little hurts..
for he sees it better than us, he loves us so much that he even takes time out for the little things in our life!!trust in him even for those little things and he will make a way!!

He chose us not by our strengths, for our weakness he will use to shame the wise.
For our GOD in us is bigger than he who is in the world,
he will comfort you and guide you, he will never put you to shame,
he will use your every little weakness to bring the world to shame..
he called us for a much higher purpose than we think he did.
Trust in the lord.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our GOD
They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
(pslam 20:7-9)

1 comment:

Comfort-thats me said...

little things eh!! every lil thing is gonna b alryt!!:)
i lyk i lyk!! girlie its gud i can finally read yo displayed wok.. kep writin i read.:)