Saturday, September 18, 2010

Battle of Conformity

* Sigh * i dont even bother reading the newspaper or watching the news channels anymore because i know what's coming I know all the lies, all the drama ,all the fakeness and the most disgracing sight of all is people making a mockery of themselves in the name of Fame.Suicide is the new black, Alcohol and drugs are like myspace, still active but not as famous as facebook and since when did homosexuality become a cup of tea?. The world calls this a rebellion i call it Conformity to the World.

Being a loner in this generation is statusfied as an outcast, as an untouchable, as a leper. "If ever i touch a leper i would catch leprosy and die!" this is our present mindset.Breaking all traditions ,one man decided to start a true riot, he stood out ,decided to touch the leper and healed him.He rebelled against the World.His rebellion made a difference, not to follow the crowd but to lead the crowd.Not to be prisoners to the World,but to be set free in the freedom that he has given us. This man is Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of my Soul.

We are not failures or defined by the false accusations of  people,but we are royalties, we are Sons and Daughters of God, A Holy and Prefect God. We are heirs to the kingdom of God.How much more fame do you need people?!!. We dont need the recognition of people to tell us how pretty we are, We are fearfully wonderfully made, and that's coming from the creator of beauty.The only conformity we need is to the likeness of Christ. To step out of our nut shells and tell the world " I Refuse to be like you, to act like you, to walk and talk like you, I refuse to be made your slave, to live in the fear you boxed me up in, I am no longer held down but picked up and dusted off to start a new, I am a new person and this is my stand".

I do not fight to be like you, But i fight to be like Christ.

Ephesians 4:24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness


Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

Mathew 16 : 16-18

The Word of God is SO real that sometimes everything else seems unreal compared to it. I could've read this verse many times before, but it never struck me like it has sense recently. That is the reason the Word of God, even though it remains the same, keeps changing us, keeps changing who we are as people. Gives us new direction every time, helps us discover our path.

I woke up at around 6 in the morning today, it's been a long day today. But somewhere in the tiredness there is joy. One day I might understand this even better.

If your read the whole chapter mentioned above and the surrounding chapters you will see that Peter was really outspoken here. The things that he says show a lot about his character. Sometimes he said things out of reverence of Jesus, however, these things were not always from God. Like when Jesus declared that he will be crucified and raised on the third day again, Peter said that this should not happen.

Now, we all know Peter as one of the greatest heroes , who did many great things and eventually gave his life for what he believed in, for Who he believed in.

Sometimes some of us may do things that are okay, but that doesn't mean that's who we are destined to be forever. When Peter declared who Jesus Christ is, Peter was not perfect, he was far from it. He did some things after ward I'm sure he didn't feel so good about.

But we also know that there was change, over time in him which made him one of the most radical apostles ever.

Do not feel just cause you may have done something that is not so great, that it will define you. But let Jesus be the one who will define who you are, let Him tell who you are like He told Peter.

Be Encouraged. God is good.