Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tape Safe

Our past pushes us down and situations seem overwhelming, sometimes the power of God seems unpredictable and weakness brings us in our little shell. Joy seems lost somewhere far away fading. The power of God so vivid at the same time inside of us. Life seems powerless with fear thumping in our hearts and a question weather the situations convey the truth in distress. When fear and incapability rises deep within, the courage to live with ourselves fades and the truth about creation is questioned, maybe there's something pulling me down I feel, maybe there's something in me I need to change I question or maybe I'm not supposed to act this way I convince my self to believe. I believe there's a season that is on its way a season of thanksgiving and a season of pouring out, pouring out what God's invested in us.

I believe its a season of replacement, a season of substitution. This is the season of God's people strategically placed in areas of royalty in a mission of influence to the maximum. This is a season of harvest and its the time of God's voice being heard clearer than ever before, a season of overflowing Joy. And in this time it is our choice of weather we allow ourselves to let go and let God, letting go of our hurts and pull downs can be tough but God says He completely destroys the yolk if given to Him and in this situation Faith works. Our overwhelming fear of questioning our identity can cut us off from God's glorious call and plan for our lives.

Lets rise above them, I think its time to let God take over, unseen yet true, questionable yet faithful our God never fails us, just like he rose David back up when life seemed drowning in nothingness, He surely will raise you above your iniquities and depressions and will give you strength and victory in your challenges only if you have the faith and courage of going back to him, submitting, confessing....
David did the same every single time he felt distressed he went to the Lord, when he felt weak he went to the Lord in all times he seeks God and FINDS Him and God raises him to be Bold, full of Joy, Successful, Valiant and Victorious in everything he did. He was the man after God's own heart. And how much more would He love US after all that he did for us...

How many times to we run to God in depression?, heartbreaks?, failures? knowing he can heal we still run to the Seen as faith doesn't exist- not even as a mustard seed
Its time we go back to our salvation and regain what we lost, its time to go back on our knees and lay it all down, its time to regain our faith and let our hearts open to his light so darkness eliminates from our lives and that dreadful eerie vanishes to EVERLASTING JOY which replaces our boldness, trust and empowers us for all that God has in store for us Its time to Receive and Replace and jump to a whole new level of faith! Its time to rise above our storms and regain what is ours that was stolen and it all can happen if we faithfully, earnestly and deliberately seek him cuz' sleeping and slumbering isn't His piece of cake!

He turned to me and heard my cry.He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
psalm 40: 1-2