Monday, July 27, 2009


I remember the first Glance, I remember the first Romance
I remember the first dance, When i fell in Love with You
I thought that I would never know Love
I thought that I would never know Touch
Then you came and Awakened me, Then you came Unlocking me
I've never known a Love like this,
You've shown the truth behind the Myth
The Mystery.
When it's all be said,When it's all be done,
When the race is run, And this life overcome
I will remember your love,
I will remember your love
, I will remember your love,
-Misty Edwards

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Glimpse Of Grace

Sometimes joy's river ceases to flow.
Sometimes dark clouds, loom down long and low.
Sometimes great storms, hold back the sun.
Sometimes you just want to hide or run.

Look onward to our heavenly home.
Remember His promise, you're not alone.
Fly like a bird, on the winds of His grace.
Find sweet assurance in His embrace.

Sometimes life's pains are hard to bare.
Sometimes our heart, groans deep in despair.
Sometimes shadows of death pass by.
Sometimes alone, we cry out, Why?

Take the hand of God's merciful love;
Who calms the sea and sent His Dove.
The God of all that lives and breathes;
Who made the rocks, the winds, the seas,

Will lead you through your darkest night,
Will help you through the terrible fight.
He'll hold you up and you will stand.
He'll lead you through, hold tight His hand.

And as the rains and storm winds blow;
The peace of God will ease pains flow.
Hold fast to faith, the shield of power;
And know your God wants you to flower.

Sometimes, the greatest fruitful child;
Has suffered through the greatest test.
Sometimes, it takes much pain and loss;
To win the lost to Cavalries cross.
inspired by: susan Y

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My True Love - My hero

I always desired for love to come by, Craved for romance, A love so strong that would sweep me off my feet, Every word uttered would drown me in admiration, Would lift me out of my brokenness

A love so beautiful that sees through my flaws, Flaunts every weakness and turns it into a blessing, Someone who loved regardless of who i was and where i came from...
I tried to find it in a hundred but never came across it. I knew of this one person at whom once perfection marveled at.

I looked for years together but found nothing but reflections of my heartbreaking past that choked me as a voice unwilling to accept my love still exist.

Many years and loves later I met the real Prince Charming. I do not know exactly what he looks like, but he was willing to work, live, wait and die for me.

My hero knows me, from the number of hair I have on my head to every thought I have ever had and ever will. He knows every ugly and beautiful thing about me intimately. He bore the pain of my evil thoughts and deeds in His own body and still He loves and desires me.

He is powerful, wise and good. His love tames me; I am captive to His charms. His every word captivates me, His voice strengthens me, His love encourages me, I yield to His will, and as I do, I become a beautiful, unique reflection of Him. I have all the romance, admiration and passion I need. He has eclipsed my dream entirely. He opens his arms to me and i feel renewed, My love changes me and has died for me, He still lives inside of me always to love me and renew me.

He heals my scars and comes close enough to touch me, He reminds me of how much he loves me and treasures me each day. He teaches me through my flaws and flaunts them. He knows every detail in me and still chooses to love me.

His love is all I need. He fills me on his love. His love intoxicates me and influences me to do the very will of God. Whenever i seek his love i find it.

He stands by me to support me and hold me, when people throw things at me!.
He is always there to restore me when situations rip my heart out of me, And there to kiss me when I drown into nothingness. He makes me strong when he holds me with his strong hands. He gives me a reason to live when life seems to draw back

My hero is Love—and every day I know Him more.